It was fascinating reading about the Battle for Los Angeles! Most people are unaware of that strange occurrence in history, unless they live around that area. A fun fact, Fort MacArthur Museum puts on a recreation event almost every year called The Great Los Angeles Air Raid.
Unfortunately, not yet, but it's on my bucket list. The people that I know who have gone enjoyed it, and it used to be somewhat popular with people who enjoy dressing up in 1940's era clothing.
It depends on who you ask; some will say aliens, some say mass hysteria caused by nerves, others insist it was somehow the Japanese military and had something to do with the submarine that was spotted in Santa Barbra later. Advertisements for the event list it as a "historic controversy".
For the event itself, I don't think they touch on it as much. I believe they just put spotlights into the sky and set off fireworks leaving it for the viewer to decide. (Although I wouldn't take my word for it, as I have never actually gone to the event, but accidentally driven by and seen the spotlights & fireworks in the sky as I thought to myself "dang it, it that was this weekend?")
Swords don't run out of ammunition.
Valid point! (no pun intended)
It was fascinating reading about the Battle for Los Angeles! Most people are unaware of that strange occurrence in history, unless they live around that area. A fun fact, Fort MacArthur Museum puts on a recreation event almost every year called The Great Los Angeles Air Raid.
What?? That sounds really cool. Have you been?
Unfortunately, not yet, but it's on my bucket list. The people that I know who have gone enjoyed it, and it used to be somewhat popular with people who enjoy dressing up in 1940's era clothing.
Do they treat it as any sort of alien encounter? Or just mass hysteria?
It depends on who you ask; some will say aliens, some say mass hysteria caused by nerves, others insist it was somehow the Japanese military and had something to do with the submarine that was spotted in Santa Barbra later. Advertisements for the event list it as a "historic controversy".
For the event itself, I don't think they touch on it as much. I believe they just put spotlights into the sky and set off fireworks leaving it for the viewer to decide. (Although I wouldn't take my word for it, as I have never actually gone to the event, but accidentally driven by and seen the spotlights & fireworks in the sky as I thought to myself "dang it, it that was this weekend?")
Hey Jason, just wondering if you guys had been playing any D&D recently, kinda miss the stuff on the other channel?
Not just yet, Mat! We're working on some related stuff that hopefully I'll be able to show off soon.